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Dr. Fumll Keltu Dr. Fumll Keltu

Dr. Fumll Keltu

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“Dr. Fumll Keltu” Locations

Dakter Bari Hospital Dakter Bari Hospital

Dakter Bari Hospital

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Turkey Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun Doctors Onboard: 7 24/7 available

About “Dr. Fumll Keltu”

Offered Services

Anesthesiology 2 Service(s)
Critical care medicine
Sleep medicine $800.00

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Alcohol may be less harmful for people over 50
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Study reveals fiber we should eat to prevent disease
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These common drugs may increase dementia risk
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This sleep disorder puts people at ‘very high risk’ of Parkinson’s
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Is high blood pressure always bad?
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6 innovations from Future Healthcare 2019
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Hypertension treatment may slow down Alzheimer’s progression
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Processed foods lead to weight gain, but it’s about more than calories
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Giving up alcohol for just 1 month has lasting benefits
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New HIV vaccine could expose latent virus and kill it
Dr. Fumll Keltu Dr. Fumll Keltu
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